2023 Spain: Days 5 & 6

March 28-29, 2023

From Toledo, our group continued south by bus to Sevilla (Seville). On the way, we stopped in Córdoba so as not to miss the outstanding architecture and breathtaking sights. Andalucía welcomed us with a change in scenery. Looking through the windows of our bus, olive trees stretched as far as we could see. Stepping off the bus, we were greeted with the fresh scent of orange trees.

In the first photos, you will see members of our group standing near the Roman Bridge leading to the city of Córdoba. Once across the bridge, we continued learning about the architectural style, mudéjar, that is unique to Spain. The most important and unique example of this style is the Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba, still standing with double arches in limestone and red brick dating back to the eighth century. After our visit to the Mezquita, we traveled through the patios of Córdoba filled with flowers in bloom.

Just 1.5 hours more by bus from Córdoba, Sevilla welcomed us with 80-degree weather and more outstanding sights to take in. Our guide, Cármen, walked us through the Plaza de España, familiar to many as Naboo from Star Wars! From there, we walked through the Catedral de Sevilla, the third-largest cathedral in Europe that mixes the styles of Islamic, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture. It was built on the grounds of a previous mosque in the fifteenth century, and the patio of orange trees and the inferior portion of la Giralda remain from the original structure. To complete our visit each student got a chance to climb to the top of the bell tower. To finish our stay in Sevilla, we had the chance to attend a Flamenco dance lesson, followed by an incredible show. 

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